Independently Negotiated Resolution™

Independently Negotiated Resolution

An Exclusive One Stop Shop Process

Independently Negotiated Resolution™ or “INR” is an exclusive divorce mediation process only available through our offices. It is a unique process that focuses on bringing mediated resolution—with high importance on assets and children—to couples wanting to end their marriage, quickly and fairly. While traditional mediation often puts the parties in a room and mediates between them, Fairway’s model is different. Traditional mediation often results in achieving the middle ground by placing a couple in a room together and facilitating a compromise. If there is any power imbalance in the couple, then the outcomes can be less than fair. While divorce does require some compromise, it should never be at the cost of a fair or equitable outcome.

Independently Negotiated Resolution encourages couples to settle their family law cases privately without having to go and stand before a Judge.

If both you and your spouse agree on all the terms and you want to ensure you did not miss or overlook anything, try our Fast Track INR. This fast track process will have you completed in a couple of weeks. You must qualify for this service and one of our experts, they will assist you in determining if this is the right service for you.

INR Process

INR Diagram

Fairway’s Model and How it Works

Fairway innovated a new mediation model that takes a couple step by step through a process whereby each party meets independently with a neutral third party to deliver a fair resolution on all the issues. While Fairway’s model works well with amicable couples, it also works for couples who do not get along and cannot communicate to a make decision. Fairway’s clients make decisions independently of each other where necessary, and the model is structured to ensure the best outcome for each party possible. You know exactly where you are in the process, so there is no stress in not knowing what comes next.

A unique process that focuses on delivering successful mediated resolution.

For Division and Assets, Child and Spousal Support

Most couples do not process information the same, and there may be an imbalance of power around the children or money. In some cases, one party has more control and understanding of the finances while the other with parenting. In this case, there can be a perceived or real difference of power, and it is very important that this does not interfere with your decision making or the outcome. Often even for the most amicable couple, there is still one or two issues that cause stress with regards to differences of opinion. Each party is positioned to achieve an outcome that is in your best interest considering the laws and your rights. To help facilitate a fair resolution, you will meet separately with a mediator when dealing with sensitive or complex issues like money.

For Parenting and Co-Parenting Plans

With regards to parenting, the structure of these meetings will depend on the progress of the couple and Fairway prefers to do those meetings together once all the financial decisions are made. With the stress of the property and financial decisions behind you, most couples are in a better position to then focus on the wellbeing of the children and all parties involved.

The Deliverables

The outcome for those who use Fairway is a separation agreement that addresses the details with regards to the property division, child and spousal support, plus a comprehensive parenting plan. Fairway’s Nurtured Children’s Parenting Plan™ addresses everything from clothes, birthday parties, travel, school, parenting rotations to detailed section 7 expenses.

Resolution Plans

A resolution plan captures the details and the decisions behind the formal agreement

Prior to receiving your separation agreement, which includes all your legally binding terms, you will receive a comprehensive plan which sets out all the decisions, the reasons, and details. This plan is important in guaranteeing that your agreement captures what you intended and represents your decisions. The plan also provides a detailed parenting section for those with children. Therefore, separation agreements done through Fairway stand the test of time as it is based on what you agreed too and not forced upon you by either a lawyer’s intimidation or by a Judge at the courts.

Our in-house legal department educates on the law, works with our resolution experts, drafts agreements, and files for divorce on your behalf. For those who need it, an independent lawyer can put your mind at ease and assure you that you would not have likely done better in court if you had gone that way.

We handle everything quickly — tactfully — thoughtfully — privately:

  • Quarterbacking other Professionals as required; Financial Planners, Pension Valuators, Business Valuators, Psychologists, Lawyers, Accountants, etc.
  • Mediating and negotiating with couples when appropriate
  • Achieving a parenting plan that works for all parties and preserves the integrity of relationships.
  • Negotiating Financial Agreements that address Division, Spousal and Child Support.
  • Supporting methodologies that nurture independent, informed decision making.

Independent Negotiated Resolution™ works for couples who are amicable or conflicted. There can either be a power struggle or knowledge imbalance which can result in one person feeling bullied or pressed, or worse, settling on an agreement that would achieve less than they are entitled.

The Cost

Fairway charges a flat fee. By setting a flat price, we believe that you can rest assured that we are not motivated to drag things out. We all work together to achieve your divorce resolution in a timely fashion.

Our goal at Fairway is not to be the cheapest but rather to be the best and provide excellent client service. Our average flat fee is approximately $5,000 per person, with variance depending on the office location and if legal drafting is included.

We have structured our fee so that you do not have to pay all at once. For a small upfront fee, you can get started with the option of not proceeding if we do not deliver what we promise.

Get a Fair Outcome for Less

We make sure you are an empowered decision maker by ensuring you have all the financial knowledge to make a good decision. Our goal is to help you achieve a fair outcome that reflects your desires with regards to money and children. We ensure you have a proactive plan that stands the test of time.