Fast Track

Divorce Mediation and Resolution

Quick, Easy and Cheap

Many couples have already made all the decisions with regards to finances and children and only need to ensure they neither made a mistake or overlooked something important. As a response to our client’s needs, Fairway introduced the Fast Track, a condensed Independently Negotiated Resolution™ Process that can achieve a separation agreement quickly and efficiently. Fairway prides itself on outstanding client service and ensuring that we never compromise on our product. While Fast Track is quick, it is not at the expense of a good outcome for you.

Fast Track Divorce Mediation & Resolution

Keeping it simple but still focused on results.

How fast?

We will help you pull it all together, give you feedback and get you started on filing for divorce all within a few days or weeks.

How cost effective?

We keep your costs down by quoting you a flat fee, so you know upfront what it will cost. Our price for our Fast Track ranges from Province to Province but is usually only a few thousand dollars and will take only a few weeks to complete.

The best-of-the-best process and services “INR” offers, condensed both in time and money.

How reliable?

Even if you and your partner are in agreement about the divorce and nothing is being contested, you still need to dot your I’s and cross your T’s. We offer an inexpensive flat-fee solution for uncontested divorces for those who want to ensure their separation agreement will stand the test of time.

Get a Fair Outcome for Less

We make sure you are an empowered decision maker by ensuring you have all the financial knowledge to make a good decision. Our goal is to help you achieve a fair outcome that reflects your desires with regards to money and children. We ensure you have a proactive plan that stands the test of time.