Clean Break
Guide to Divorce

A book by Karen Stewart

Avoid the Pitfalls of Divorce & Discover Inspiration

Clean Break - Guide to Divorce

Karen’s and thousands of other’s harrowing stories are an unqualified testament to these truths. Her experience both personally and professionally led her to believe that there needs to be a better way to end a marriage. Karen’s ideas and vision lead to the creation of Fairway Divorce, this book and a passion for advocating through media - for changing the way divorce happens.

In this book, Karen provides practical tools, inspiration and a mediation/negotiation model that can be used to help you move more efficiently and effectively through all the decisions that need to be made in your divorce. By following her roadmap, you can avoid the pitfalls.

It’s a Must Read

If You’re Thinking of Getting a Divorce

“If you are remotely contemplating divorce,
then you must read this life changing book.”

Dr. John Demartini
“The Secret” and best-selling author

Preview of Clean Break - Guide to Divorce:

Part 1: The Journey Before The Journey

Navigating the Rocky Emotional Terrain

For many couples, divorce is a last resort—the only remaining option after many years of the slow erosion or the weathering of a stormy and turbulent marriage. For others, the marriage is just not meant to be anymore, and while they cannot ever really put their finger on a reason, it is just time to end the relationship.

Whatever the cause, one thing is certain: the decision to divorce will be attended by emotional churning. The process will become even more charged, bringing turmoil into your life on a scale that’s hard to imagine. Even those who have been through a divorce find it still hard to fathom.

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During my divorce (and for many months before and afterwards) I was an emotional wreck, blinded by denial, consumed by self-pity, staggering through each day feeling lost and alone and utterly hopeless. As a consequence, I made many imprudent decisions and missed out on many opportunities to hasten my journey toward new beginnings and the positive, rewarding future that awaited me.

The focus of this section is to share my journey and to reflect on all the learnings that could have made mine much less painful.

With this, I hope you will have the foundation to minimize the emotional costs of your divorce through courageous acceptance and by staying relentlessly future-focused. I will also introduce you to the Cunninghams—Adam and Carolyn—whose example will illustrate, from beginning to end, a better way.

What Others Have to Say

Because of her important book, Karen Stewart has advanced the debate on divorce into a new realm where the sadistic, exploitive, adversarial system can give way to a more rational and supportive process where parents, kids and other important stakeholders can all create new lives with dignity and the perception of winning.

Dr. Pete Gregg
Negotiation Expert, Founder of Success Lab: CEO

This practical step-by-step process will save you time, energy and money. Most of all it will provide you a clear path for a hopeful future.

Les Hewitt
Co-author of the international bestseller, The Power of Focus

“Clean Break”, along with Fairway Divorce Solutions®, will absolutely save you time, money, energy and – for sure – months of unnecessary heartache. It is about time someone cut through the grease and cleaned up the messy costly divorce process.

Dr. John Frederick Demartini
Best Selling Author of “The Breakthrough Experience”

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