How to Get the Book

Clean Break - A Guide to Divorce

Divorce With Dignity And Move On

Typically, divorce is costly. It costs money—masses of your money. It costs time—hours spent in meetings, completing paperwork, and filing affidavits. It costs heartache as battle lines are drawn and loved ones, especially children, suffer emotional pain.

There needs to be a better way to end a marriage. After her own costly divorce, Karen’s ideas and vision lead to the creation of Fairway Divorce, this book, and a passion for advocating through media for changing the way divorce happens.

In this book you’ll find practical tools, inspiration, and a mediation/negotiation model that can be used to help you move more efficiently and effectively through all the decisions that need to be made in your divorce. By following this roadmap, you can avoid the costly pitfalls.

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Get a Fair Outcome for Less

We make sure you are an empowered decision maker by ensuring you have all the financial knowledge to make a good decision. Our goal is to help you achieve a fair outcome that reflects your desires with regards to money and children. We ensure you have a proactive plan that stands the test of time.

What Others Have to Say

This practical step-by-step process will save you time, energy, and money. Most of all, it will provide you a clear path for a hopeful future.

Les Hewitt
Co-author of the international bestseller, The Power of Focus

Lawyer fees will cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Why incur unnecessary debt or added financial stress if you don’t have to?

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