Benefits vs. Risks

Of using a Divorce Lawyer

Is Hiring a Divorce Lawyer Outdated?

History and tradition have us hard-wired to think that hiring a family lawyer will protect us and provide better results. This thinking is outdated.

The first response to the information that “I am getting a divorce” is that “I need to protect myself.” While this response in of itself is not wrong, the action of hiring a lawyer for protection or fighting for your rights is outdated.

The Canadian laws are quite fair by nature and so unlike the past when your outcome was based on the talent of your lawyer and the Judge you had that day, this is not the case now. The goal posts that you are arguing about with regards to Custody, Child and Spousal Support and Property are quite narrow and do not require tough natured lawyers to get you a “good deal.”

The old way of approaching matrimonial disputes is no longer appropriate or necessary.

Divorce Lawyer Standing

Your focus needs to be on your children, protecting the wealth you have worked so hard to make, fair spousal and child support, and a division of property that is based on the law and sets you up for future success and security. If your financial picture is complex that is even more of reason to use grounded financial experts to help negotiate your outcomes.

Pros & Cons:

The Risks of Not Hiring a Divorce Lawyer

  • I try mediation and it fails
  • I do not get to fight it out in court
  • I lack of ability to put someone under “oath” during discoveries on disclosure
  • I might never know if I could have done better in trial
  • I do not get to ask my ex questions under the pressure of a lawyer
  • I do not get my day in court for a Judge to tell my ex that they were wrong and I was right
  • I might think I am giving up too much
  • I might think I am paying too much
  • My spouse gets away with their bad behaviour
  • My friends and family will keep second guessing my decision to not hire a lawyer because that is what they did and they want me to do the same
  • I do not get to put everything he/she did in an affidavit that is filed on kept on record
  • I will not have one person whose entire focus is on me winning at whatever the cost

Benefits of Fairway Divorce Solutions™

Reduce Cost
  • We charge a flat fee
  • We do not get paid to drag it out
  • We preserve your assets
Reduce Stress
  • Our Fairway Independently Negotiated Resolution™ process guides couples through the process separately to preserve relationships and ensure that emotions do not interfere in sound decision making
  • Preserving relationships while making difficult decisions between parties
Reduce Time
  • We strive to move families through in 120 days after receiving all the financial information
Protect the Children
  • Children are never intentionally or unintentionally used as pawns
  • Children are empowered because their parents strive to be the best they can during this difficult time
  • Co-parenting plans are designed to meet the unique needs of the family and achieve a win for all parties

What Does it Cost to use Fairway Divorce?

We usually charge you a flat fee or sometimes hourly is appropriate; whichever works for you. We base our flat fee on the complexity of your assets and the level of conflict. Our fee can range anywhere from a couple of thousand per person to over $10,000. We are committed to doing it right so that you are not left looking for another way to solve your issues.

We may not be the cheapest alternative, but when it comes to this life-changing situation, you should not sacrifice quality experience or expertise in the short term as it will cost you in the long run!

Our process is less expensive than when you and your spouse hire lawyers. We will save you money and time because we drive the process and ensure that everyone is held on task and on time. You know where you are at and what the next steps will be so there are no surprises.

The average divorce in Canada takes five years and can cost each person thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. This burden does not include the cost associated with the loss of career/business income or emotional damage.

With Fairway we strive to have your file completed in 120 days from disclosure. We believe that time is money.

Get a Fair Outcome for Less

We make sure you are an empowered decision maker by ensuring you have all the financial knowledge to make a good decision. Our goal is to help you achieve a fair outcome that reflects your desires with regards to money and children. We ensure you have a proactive plan that stands the test of time.

The Fairway process of divorce offers a much less costly and stressful alternative to the legal system; the legal system is premised on the parties being ‘adversaries’ and ‘battling it out’. As a practicing lawyer I see the stress and turmoil families go through when dealing with divorce. Karen Stewart’s Fairway process offers those involved a lifeboat, a ‘fair way’ to end their marriage and move on with their life without becoming mired in the legal system.

Brian Conway, Lawyer

Do not use the divorce process as a platform for revenge – (that will cost you big time) but rather bringing a fair ending to a partnership so that both parties can move forward.

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